Landscape Assessments

Landscape Assessments

In the UK Natural England recognise that the management of change is essential to ensure that we achieve sustainable outcomes  

Our team of landscape architects deliver landscape assessments where proposed development is likely to cause an impact on the landscape. eagle eye design measures, records, documents & assesses the likely effects of proposed development within the environment & provide a clear & systematic way that this information is communicated to Local Planning Authorities & the public, ensuring environmental implications are understood & taken into account before decisions are made.

For avoidance of any confusion, the Environmental Statement (ES) is a document that reports on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The requirements of  an EIA are usually determined by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) and depend on the outcomes of their Scoping Opinion. If the LPA decides that the development will have significant effects on the landscape, then a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) chapter will also be included in the report.

Environmental Statements are structured to produce a concise, readable and understandable document.

A Landscape Assessment Enquiry

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